Zine :
Lien original : anarchy & euphoria
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Thematic chronology of direct action in the ongoing revolution & uprising in Iran, mostly taken from the twitter account @abolitiontxt.

Last update: 09/06/2023


Attacks on Cops

  • around November 28: the Anarchist Organisation in East Kurdistan threw molotov cocktails & set fire to the house of an undercover cop who has taken part in the repression of protests in Saqqez (Kurdistan)  ; report in English | French | Farsi
  • December 30 : protesters fought cops & mgçilitaries and forced them to flee in Galikesh
  • December 10 : students fought security guards at the university of Allameh ; fought cops at a university in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • November 24 : protesters fought cops in Moshiriyeh
  • November 18: to announce their existence, the Anarchist Organisation in East Kurdistan (Rojhilat) attacked cops near Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; report in English | French | Farsi
  • November 16: protesters torched a cop bus in Saveh ; torched a Basij motorbike in Sabzevar ; torched a Basij statue in Abdanan ; attacked cops and forced them to flee in Bandar-Abbas ; fought cops in Shahryar and in Ilam and in Mehran and in Kermanshah (Kurdistan) and in Mashhad and in Hamedan and in Fuladshahr and in Kerman and in Larestan and in Semirom and in Tehran and in Mahabad (Azerbaijan) and in Sowme’eh-Sara
  • November 11: protesters torched a cop car in Sardasht (Baluchistan) ; torched a border patrol car in Boyouran-e Sofla (Azerbaijan) ; torched a cop cabin & fought cops in Rask (Baluchistan) ; fought cops in Tehran and in Isfahan and in Bushehr and in Zahedan (Baluchistan) and in Khash (Baluchistan) and in Sabzevar
  • November 10: protesters fought cops in Ahvaz (Khuzestan) & in Kerman & in Rasht
  • November 9: protesters threw molotov cocktails at cops in Qahdarijan ; fought cops & torched 3 of their motorcycles in Bandar Abbas ; fought cops in Tehran and in Ghadarijan and in Arak and in Shiraz
  • November 7: protesters fought cops  in Saqqez (Kurdistan) and in Marivan (Kurdistan) and in Tehran
  • November 6 : protesters fought cops & forced them to flee & attacked a cop vehicle in Tehran ; fought cops in Baneh (Kurdistan) and in Marivan (Kurdistan)
  • November 5 : protesters overturned a cop car in Neyshabur
  • November 4: protesters fought cops & torched a cop vehicle in Khash (Baluchistan) ; fought cops & torched a cop car in Zahedan (Baluchistan)
  • November 3: for the commemoration of a murdered protester, protesters fought cops with stones & molotovs cocktails, seriously wounded 3 cops (10+ injured) & 1 cleric, torched or overturned several cop vans in Karaj ; protesters threw molotov cocktails at cops in Kamyaran (Kurdistan) ; threw rocks at cops & forced them to flee in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) & in Rasht ; fought cops & forced them to flee & rendered 2 unconscious in Fuladshahr ; fought cops in Arak and in Tehran and in Shiraz and in Dehloran and in Lahijan and in Mashhad
  • November 2: protesters set fire to the sign of a IRGC base in Shush (Khuzestan) ; fought cops in Tehran and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • November 1 : protesters fought cops in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Nurabad ; prevented cop arrests in Nurabad
  • October 31 : protesters attacked cops with molotov cocktails & stones & forced them to retreat & beat up one group of cops in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) ; fought cops in Miandoab (Azerbaijan) and in Arak
  • October 30:  protesters fought cops & Basij in universities of Tehran and Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; fought cops in Iranshahr ; teachers prevented arrests of female students at universitary dormitories in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • October 29: protesters torched a Basij motorcycle in Astara ; fought cops in Ahvaz (Khuzestan) and in Bukan (Azerbaijan)
  • October 28 : armed protesters attacked cops in Zahedan (Baluchistan) ; protesters attacked cops with molotov cocktails & beat up the commander of the state security forces in Mahabad (Azerbaijan) ; attacked an outpost with rocket-propelled grenades (RPG) in Khash (Baluchistan) ; torched a Basij patrol car in Tehran ; overturned a cop car in Borujen ; fought cops in Babol and in Tonekabon and in Saravan (Baluchistan) and in Iranshahr (Baluchistan) and in Aliabad
  • October 27 : protesters fought cops in Baneh (Kurdistan) and in Khorramabad and in Mahabad (Azerbaijan)
  • October 26 : protesters & mourners fought cops near Zhina Amini’s grave at the end of the mourning period in her hometown Saqqez (Kurdistan) ; protesters attacked cops with molotov cocktails in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; beat up a cop in Urmia (Azerbaijan) ; torched a cop car in Borujen and 2 cop cars in Isfahan and a cop motorbike in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) ; fought cops in Tehran and in Ilam and in Isfahan and in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) and in Malayer
  • October 24 : student protesters fought cops & prevented arrests in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; protesters fought cops & beat up plainclothes cops in Tehran ; protesters & students & their families fought cops outside a girl highschool following repression in Tehran
  • October 23: protesters threw molotov cocktails at cop vehicles in Parand ; fought plainclothes cops in Tehran
  • October 22: protesters fought cops in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) and in Tehran and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Mashhad and in Arak and in Behbahan (Khuzestan) and in Dezful (Khuzestan) ; took down a cop billboard in Tonekabon
  • October 21: in commemoration of the 93 persons killed by cops during the September 30 protests (Bloody Friday), protesters fought & threw stones at cops in Zahedan (Baluchistan) ; protesters fought cops in Tehran and Tabriz (Azerbaijan)
  • October 20: protesters fought cops in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Mahabad (Azerbaijan) and in Tehran ; de-arrested a protester in Karaj
  • October 19 : protesters torched a cop motorcycle in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; fought cops in Tehran and in Isfahan
  • October 18 : protesters fought cops and injured some of them in Lali (Khuzestan) ; fought cops in Yazd
  • October 17: protesters fought cops in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) and in Kerman and in Abdanan
  • October 16: protesters threw molotov cocktails at cops in Lowshan ; fought cops & forced them to flee in Ardabil ; fought cops in Tehran and in Isfahan and in Yazd
  • October 15: protesters fought cops and forced them to retreat in Isfahan and in Tehran ; beat up Basij agents in Khorramabad ;  torched Basij motorbikes in Shahinshahr ; fought cops in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) and in Marivan (Kurdistan) and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Ardabil and in Ahvaz and in Hamedan
  • October 14: protesters fought cops and forced them to retreat in Tehran ; torched a cop car in Khorramabad
  • October 13 : protesters beat up a plaincloth Basij agent in Qazvin ; fought cops & forced them to flee in Isfahan and in Ilam and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Kermanshah (Kurdistan) and in many areas of Tehran ; overturned a cop car in Karaj
  • October 12: protesters fought cops & forced them to flee in Ilam ; foughts cops & prevented an arrest in Rasht ; fought cops in Saqqez (Kurdistan) & in Fardis & in Marivan (Kurdistan) and in Tehran
  • October 11 : protesters fought cops & forced them to retreat in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; fought cops in Divandareh (Kurdistan) and in Borazjan
  • October 10: protesters fought cops & military (beating up several) in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; dearrested an arrested protester & beat up cops in Shiraz  ; fought cops in Tehran and in Mashhad
  • October 9: protesters fought cops in Kermanshah and in Qorveh (Kurdistan) and in Tehran ; families stopped cops & plaincloth agents from kidnapping highschool girls protesting in Bandar-Abbas
  • October 8 : protesters fought cops, made them retreat, seized cops weapons and equipment (some was used back against them, some burned), overturned a cop car in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; fought cops & beat up some, forced them to retreat, torched dozens of cop cars & motorcycles, de-arrested many protesters by attacking a cop van, in several districts of Tehran ; torched 4 cop cars 2 cop motorcycles in Karaj ; fought cops with molotov cocktails & torched 1 cop car 2 plainclothes cop motorcycles & beat up a Basij agent in Mashhad ; torched a cop motorcycle in Gohardasht ; fought cops in Javanrud (Kurdistan) and in Kamiyaran (Kurdistan) and in Saqqez (Kurdistan) and in Arak and in Hamadan and in Dorud and in Fardis
  • October 7 : protesters fought cops in Varzaneh and in Ahvaz and in Isfahan and in Tehran ; fought cops & beat up a plainclothes agent in Karaj ; vandalized cop billboards with anti-cop graffitis in Tehran
  • October 4 : protesters fought cops in Saqqez (Kurdistan)
  • October 3 : protesters fought cops in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • October 2 : protesters fought cops & forced their retreat in Mashhad ; fought cops & beat up 4 Basij agents who ran over a woman in Isfahan ; fought cops in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Shiraz and in Tehran and in Zahedan (Baluchistan)
  • October 1 : protesters torched a cop motorcyle in Shiraz ; beat up a plainclothes cop & torched his bike in Isfahan ; torched a cop bus in Zahedan (Baluchistan) ; fought cops & freed an arrested protester in Tabriz ; fought cops & forced them to retreat in Khorramabad ; fought cops in Tehran and in Dehgolan (Kurdistan) and in Rasht and in Mahabad
  • September 30 : armed protesters fought cops & torched 1 cop car 1 firetruck in Zahedan (Baluchistan) ; protesters fought cops in Ahvaz and in Dorud and in Ardabil and in Saqqez (Kurdistan)
  • September 29 : protesters fought cops with molotov cocktails in Mashhad ; fought cops & punished a Basij agent in Tehran ; fought cops in Rasht and in Qom and in Kerman and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Karaj
  • September 28 : protesters fought cops & torched 3 cop vehicles with molotov cocktails in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; fought cops & torched a cop motorcyle in Qom (Iran) ; fought cops & overturned a cop car in Mashhad ; fought cops with rocks in Karaj ; torched an intelligence agent car in Malard ; punished a cop in Yazd ; fought cops & forced them to retreat in Sari and in Yazd ; fought cops & torched a cop motorcyle in Tehran ; fought cops in Dezful and in Najafabad
  • September 27 : , protesters threw molotov cocktails at cops on motorcyles in Mehrshahr and in Anzali ; fought cops, torched a cop car, freed 8 arrested protesters from another in Tehran ; fought cops and torched a cop car in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; fought cops in Rasht, in Yazd, in Jam, in Asalouye, in Ahvaz, in Karaj, in Oshnavieh and in Sabzevar
  • September 26 : protesters fought cops & attacked them & their vehicles with molotov cocktails in many places in Tehran ; torched a cop car in Tabriz ; fought cops in Mashhad, Bandar Abbas, Lahijan, Qom, Qorveh, Marivan (Kurdistan), Yazd, Sardasht and Sosangard
  • September 25 : protesters threw 2 molotov cocktails at cops in Tehran ; torched a cop vehicle in Qazvin ; fought cops & destroyed 2 cop motorcycles 1 cop vehicle in Tehran ; fought cops with arms & setting fires in Zahedan (Baluchistan) ; found out & beat up an undercover cop in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; fought cops in Islamshahr and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Yazd and in Shiraz and in Rasht and in Isfahan
  • September 24 : protesters threw molotov cocktails at cops in Qom ; threw molotov cocktails at cops in Tabriz ; fought cops in Tehran & many other cities (also set fire to motorcycles & vehicles & banks of the IRGC) ; forced cops to retreat in Amol
  • September 23 : protesters threw rocks at cops in Tehran ; threw rocks at cops & forced them to retreat in Qarchak and Varamin ; fought cops in Karaj and Hashtgerd and in Qom
  • September 22: protesters set on fire several cop vehicles in Tehran ; torched 2 cop cars in Nowshahr ; smashed & torched a cop car in Bojnurd ; prevented the transfer of arrested demonstrators & torched a cop vehicle in Tabriz ; set fire to the equipment of cops in Nowshahr ; torched a cop trailer in Kish ; fought cops in Rasht ; threw rocks at cops in Gachsaran
  • September 21 : protesters beat up a member of the Basij (paramilitary forces) in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; torched a cop car in Paveh ; torched cop motorbikes in Qeshm ; beat up plainclothes cops trying to abduct protesters in Urmia ; torched security forces motorcycles in Urmia ; fought cops by throwing rocks at them & their vehicles in Tabriz ; dearrested one protester in Urmia ; stole an anti-riot cop vehicle in Amol ; torched 4 cop cars & attacked a cop transport in Nowshahr ; torched cop vehicles in Neyshabur ; torched a cop car in Varamin ; fought cops & forced them to flee in Sardasht ; attacked cops on motorbikes & forced them to flee in Qeshm Island ; fought cops in Zarinshahr and in Lanagrud and in Tehran and in Kermanshah
  • September 20 :  protesters fought cops & forced them to retreat in Amol and in Rasht ; fought cops & set cop vehicles on fire in Qazvin ; fought cops & torched 2 cop motorcycles in Mashhad ; fought cops & torched cop vehicles in Urmia ; attacked set cop vehicles on fire in Rasht ; beat up cops in Kerman ; torched a cop trailer in Hamedan ; fought cops & forced them to flee in Arak ; fought cops in Hamedan and in Qom and in Tabriz
  • September 19 : protesters fought cops until they retreated in Rasht and in Saqqez (Kurdistan) and in Qurwe (Kurdistan) ; fought cops & torched an anti-riot cop motorbike & damaged a cop vehicle in Tehran ; threw rocks at security forces in Divandarreh (Kurdistan) ; fought cops in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • September 18: at the funerals of Zhina Amini who was murdered by the morality police, protesters smashed windows, set dumpsters on fire & fought cops in Saqqez (Kurdistan) ; protesters fought cops & set fire to an anti-riot cop motorbike in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)

Mortal Attacks on Cops

  • December 30 : protesters killed a Basij militia member in Semirom
  • November 16: protesters killed 2 members of the Basij militia, injured 7 cops & 1 more Basij militia member
  • November 12: unidentified militants killed a member of the IRGC Ground Forces who was tasked with guarding the border region near Sari, in northwestern Iran
  • November 9: against the killing of protesters of the Zhina Amini uprising by the regime, armed group Anonymous Graves of Baluchistan drove by & shot at an IRGC truck & killed 2 IRGC members in Zahedan (Baluchistan)
  • November 8: one individual drove a car into a group of security personnel and killed a Basij member in Bandar-e Kia Shahr ; protesters killed a member of the paramilitary Basij during clashes with cops in Astaneh-ye Ashrafiyeh
  • November 4: protesters killed a security officer during clashes with cops in Khash (Baluchistan)
  • November 3: protesters stabbed to death a member of the Basij paramilitary forces in Karaj
  • October 30: protesters killed a cop & wounded 3 others in Iranshahr ; killed a Basij agent (paramilitary forces) in the Gilan province
  • as of October 27: protesters have reportedly killed 36 security forces members in the protests across all of Iran
  • October 27 : 2 Basij (paramilitary force) were shot & killed in Amol ; armed protesters shot & critically injured 1 cop & 1 member of the IRGC in Baneh (Kurdistan)
  • October 26: protesters fought cops & killed an IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) lieutenant colonel with a hand grenade in Tehran ; killed a major of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) ; shot & killed an IRGC intelligence agent in Malayer
  • October 25 : protesters identified members of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) who took part in the bloody friday massacre on September 30 in Zahedan, and shot & killed 2 of them (1 IRGC colonel 1 Basij member) in Zahedan (Baluchistan)
  • -> add in fought cops
  • October 17: protesters killed a colonel of an anti-riot unit in Ilam ; killed one cop in Saravan (Baluchistan)
  • as of October 16: according to cop sources, since the beginning of the Zhina Amini uprising, protesters have killed 3 members of the Basij militia & wounded 850 more in Tehran
  • as of October 14: state media report that 26 cops have been killed so far in the protests across Iran
  • October 14: protesters killed an IRGC officer & a regime mullah who were part of cops attacking them in Bayram (Azerbaijan) ; protesters shot & killed a IRGC major & a Basij militiaman trying to prevent them from writing graffitis in the Fars province
  • October 12: protesters killed 3 cops & injured 40 more cops in Kermanshah (Kurdistan) ; killed 1 cop in Mahabad (Azerbaijan)
  • as of October 10: according to cop sources, around 2000 of cops have been injured & at least 24 IRGC and Basij and SSF forces were killed by protesters so far during the Zhina Amini uprising in Iran ;
  • October 8: protesters killed a member of the Basij (paramilitary forces) in Tehran ; killed a member of the security forces in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • October 2: a Basij paramilitary stabbed by protesters died from his wounds in Qom
  • September 30: over the murder of Zhina Amini by cops & the rape of a 15 year-old-girl by local police commander, armed protesters attacked a cop station in Zahedan (Baluchistan) and killed at least 5 cops (the IRGC intelligence chief, a colonel of the IRGC, a member of the IRGC and 2 members of the Basij paramilitary force) and injured 32 more members of the IRGC & Basij
  • as of September 28: according to cops, protesters have killed at least 10 cops & have injured at least 185 Basijis (paramilitary force), 5 of which are currently in the ICU
  • September 26: 4 individuals stabbed to death a member of the Basij paramilitary forces near Amol
  • as of September 22: more than 100 cops and security personnel were injured & 4 killed during the protests over the murder of Zhina Amini in Iran’s Kurdistan
  • September 22: protesters killed one cop, making him the fifth member of security forces killed in the protests, in Quchan
  • September 22: protesters stabbed to death a member of the Basij (paramilitary force)in Mashhad
  • September 21: protesters killed a member of the Basij (paramilitary force) in Qazvin
  • September 20: protesters killed 1 police auxiliary while 4 more cops were injured in the fights in Shiraz

Attacks on Cop Stations

  • May 12 : rebel youth attacked 3 Basij bases with molotov cocktails in Tehran and in Isfahan and in Manujan
  • Late March/Early April : insurgents torched 5 Basij bases in Hamedan and in Bushehr and in Mashhad and in Mahabad
  • March 30 : insurgents attacked a Basij base in Gachsaran ;
  • February 23, 2023: following the murder of a protester by cops, protesters burned down Basij bases in Tehran and in Isfahan
  • February 19, 2023: protesters attacked their local Basij base with Molotov cocktails in Bandar Abbas
  • January 17, 2023: anarchist comrades of Tehran set fire to the entrance of the Basij (paramilitary force) base in Ferdowsi Square, on Iranshahr street of Tehran
  • January 9, 2023: protesters attacked a Basij base with molotov cocktails in Jam
  • December 24: 2 young women hit a Basiji (Paramilitary volunteer militia for Iranian government) centre with molotov cocktails in Tehran
  • December 10: protesters attacked an IRGC barracks with incendiary products in Ahvaz (Khuzestan) ; torched a Basij office inside a university in Tehran
  • December 2 : young insurgents attacked a Basij militia base with molotov cocktails in Kermanshah ; attacked another Basij base with handmade grenades in Gorgan
  • November 18 : protesters attacked the cop station with molotov cocktails in Ilam
  • November 16: protesters set fire to a morality police station in Arak ; attacked a Basij base in Junqan
  • November 11: protesters torched a Basij base in Sardasht (Baluchistan) ; torched a Basij base with molotov cocktails in Kazerun ; attacked a Basij base in Bivaran ; set fire to a paramilitary Basij base in Zahedan (Baluchistan) ; set fire to a Basij base in Boyouran-e Sofla (Azerbaijan) ; set fire to an IRGC building in Rask (Baluchistan) ; attacked a Basij base with molotov cocktails in Babolsar ; attacked a cop station with stones in Iranshahr (Baluchistan)
  • November 9-10: protesters attacked Basij bases with molotov cocktails in Kut-e Abdollah (Khuzestan) & in Tehran & in Pakdasht & in Kahnuj & in Rudbar-e Jonubi & in Isfahan & in Mahabad (Azerbaijan) & in Yazdanshahr
  • November 9: protesters set fire to a paramilitary Basij base in Mashhad ; threw molotov cocktails at another Basij base in Bushehr
  • November 7: protesters set fire to a paramilitary Basij base in Zanjan ; destroyed the Basij base in Kani Dinar (Kurdistan) ; threw molotov cocktails at an IRGC base in Pir Sohrab
  • November 6: armed protesters attacked a facility of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) in Mahshahr (Khuzestan) ; protesters set fire to a base of the paramilitary Basij in Ahvaz (Khuzestan) ; set fire to a newly built base of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) near Marivan (Kurdistan)
  • November 4: protesters destroyed a cop trailer in Khash (Baluchistan)
  • November 3: protesters torched a cop trailer in Karaj
  • October 31: protesters shot at a cop station & intelligence agency in Malekshahi ; torched a paramilitary Basij base in Arak
  • October 30: protesters torched an IRGC observation center & a Basij base in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; attacked a cop station with molotov cocktails in Torbat-e Heydarieh
  • October 29: protesters attacked a base of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) with explosives in Qazvin ; attacked a base of the paramilitary Basij with molotov cocktails in Ilam ; attacked a base of the paramilitary Basij with Molotov cocktails in Hamadan
  • October 28: protesters torched a Basij base with molotov cocktails in Tehran
  • October 27 : protesters took control of a cop station after attacking it in Mahabad (Azerbaijan)
  • October 26: protesters torched a cop trailer in Saqqez (Kurdistan) ; attacked a paramilitary Basij base in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; torched a site of the paramilitary Basij in Gorgan
  • October 23: protesters bombed the headquarters of 4 cop departments in Tehran: including the Faraja Information and Communication Technology Department (responsible for the police’s communication systems and digital systems, and providing services to the police for censorship and repression in cyberspace), the Fateb Support and Reserve Sub-Directorate (which provides vehicles and equipment to law enforcement and riot units in Tehran), Faraja Military Police Operational Unit and Mehrabad Police Station 150.
  • October 22: protesters torched a cop kiosk with a molotov cocktail in Urmia (Azerbaijan) ; torched a morality police kiosk (same kind of cops who killed Zhina Amini) in Tonekabon ; threw many molotov cocktails at a Basij (paramilitary forces) base until it caught fire in Tehran
  • October 20: protesters threw molotov cocktails at a Basij (paramilitary forces) base in Kermanshah ; threw molotov cocktails at a base of security forces in Tehran ; set fire to a Basij base in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ;set fire to a Basij base in Langarud ; potentially attacked a cop station in Zahedan (Baluchistan)
  • October 18: protesters torched a Basij (paramilitary forces) base in Tehran ; threw molotov cocktails at a Basij (paramilitary forces) base in Khorramabad
  • October 17: protesters set fire to a cop kiosk & a Basij base (paramilitary forces) in Mashhad ; threw molotov cocktails at a Basij base in Tehran ; smashed windows of a cop station with rocks in Karaj
  • October 16: protesters set fire to a Basij (paramilitary forces) base in Shahriar ; sqet fire to a Basij base in Ardabil
  • October 14: protesters torched a Basij (paramilitary forces) base in Behshahr
  • October 11: protesters torched a Basij (paramilitary forces) base in Qom
  • October 8: protesters torched a Basij (paramilitary forces) base in Varamin ; torched an IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) base in Tehran ; torched a cop station in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; torched an IRGC base in Naysar (Kurdistan) ; torched a cop station & a cop trailer at the Grand Bazaar (which went on strike at the same time as part of a general strike) in Tehran
  • September 30: over the murder of Zhina Amini by cops & the rape of a 15 year-old-girl by a local police commander, armed protesters set fire to 1 cop station & attacked at least 2 other cop stations & torched a supermarket owned by a member of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) in Zahedan (Baluchistan)
  • September 28: protesters set fire to a base of the Basij (paramilitary forces) in Tehran
  • September 27: protesters set fire to a base of the Basij (paramilitary forces) in Tehran ; protesters burned down a cop station (possibly several cop stations according to some reports) in protest against the rape of a 15-year-old Baluch girl by a cop, in Chabahâr (Baluchistan)
  • September 24: protesters attacked a base of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (armed forces) in Shahr-e-Rey
  • September 23: protesters torched a base of the Basij (paramilitary forces) in Qom ; protesters attacked 3 bases of the Basij paramilitary forces in Oshnaviyeh
  • September 22: protesters stormed a cop station in Eslamabad-e-Gharb ; set on fire a cop station in Tehran ; torched cop precincts in Babol, Tabriz (Azerbaijan), Mashhad & at least 3 other cities in Iran
  • September 21: protesters set fire to a cop kiosk in Shahsavar ; set fire to a cop kiosk in Ghaemshahr

Attacks on Government

  • May 12 : rebel youth torched a propaganda center & a foundation & the imam’s office in Mohammadiyeh
  • April 2 : rebel youth attacked the islamic council of the city of Mahabad
  • Late March/Early April : insurgents torched a regime seminary in Mashhad ; torched a regime looting office known as “relief committee” in Kish ; torched an office of the ministry of foreign affairs in Mahabad
  • February 23, 2023: following the murder of a protester by cops, protesters torched a regime cultural center in Shahryar, torched regime signs and banners in Tehran, Shiraz, Arak, Shahryar
  • February 5, 2023: protesters threw a barrage of molotov cocktails on a mullah propagander center in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • February 2, 2023: insurgents threw molotov cocktails at the regime judiciary building in Shahreza
  • January 21, 2023: protesters threw molotov cocktails at the building of the courthouse in Ardabil (Azerbaijan)
  • December 30 : protesters torched a mullah propaganda organization’s office in Gorgan
  • December 10 : protesters attacked a regime TV channel’s diffusion office with molotov cocktails in Darreh Shahr ; attacked a Khamenei representative’s with molotov cocktails in Yasuj ; attacked seminaries with molotov cocktails in Talesh and in Izeh ; attacked the imam’s house with molotov cocktails in Semirom
  • November 16: protesters torched a mullahs’ seminary in Izeh
  • November 11: protesters torched the offices of a member of parliament in Ilam ; attacked the local governor’s office in Rask (Baluchistan)
  • November 10: protesters torched the office of Khamenei’s representative in Khomeyni Shahr; torched the office of Khamenei’s representative and of a MP in Chenaran ; torched a governorate office in Galugah ; torched a mullahs’ Seminary in Fuladshahr
  • November 9: protesters torched some government premises in Tehran ; set fire to the office of the Friday prayers’ leader in Jam
  • November 8: protesters torched an office of a regime parliament deputy in Gonbad-e Kavus
  • November 6: protesters ransacked a municipal government building & attacked the offices of a local MP in Marivan (Kurdistan)
  • November 4: protesters torched a governorate & 2 state-owned banks in Khash (Baluchistan) ; armed protesters attacked the office of a senior regime cleric in Shadegan (Khuzestan)
  • November 1 : protesters torched a government building in Romeshgan
  • October 31: protesters shot at an imam office in Malekshahi
  • October 30 : protesters threw molotov cocktails at a seminary in Mashhad ; torched a regime’s seminary in Varamin
  • October 28 : protesters burned down a government-owned bank following the burial of a murdered protester in Qasr-e Shirin ; torched a friday prayer’s imam office in Falavarjan
  • October 27 : protesters took control of the governorate (after attacking it with stones), other government buildings (at least 1 torched, possibly the mayor’s and/or the governor’s office) and a city entrance following the burial of a murdered protester in Mahabad (Azerbaijan)
  • October 26 : protesters threw molotov cocktails at the governorate in Golbahar ; torched government offices & banks in Qasr-e Shirin ; torched a mullahs’ seminary in Kamyaran (Kurdistan)
  • October 25 : protesters threw molotov cocktails at a government’s office in Golbahar ; student protesters expulsed a government spokesman from the university of Qom
  • October 24 : student protesters expulsed a government spokesman from a university in Tehran ; protesters & students & their families smashed windows of a girl highschool following cop repression in Tehran
  • October 21: protesters torched a judge’s car in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; beat up a regime-affiliated mullah in Ardabil
  • October 19: protesters attacked a government building with molotov cocktails in Mashhad
  • October 17 : protesters torched the mullah’s seminary with molotov cocktails in Fuladshahr ; torched a mullah regime’s espionage center in Malekan (Azerbaijan)
  • October 11 : protesters torched the imam’s office in Fuladshahr
  • as of October 11: according to government sources, during the Zhina Amini uprising, protesters have (so far)  damaged or destroyed 35 government buildings across Iran
  • October 10 : high-school students tore up their school books in Tehran & Isfahan & Miandoab (Azerbaijan) & Kamyaran (Kurdistan) & Baneh (Kurdistan) & Malayer
  • October 8 : protesters torched the townhall in Naysar (Kurdistan) ; torched several regime & repression centers in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • October 7 : protesters torched a symbolic tank at the Army Square in Zanjan
  • October 3 : high school girls booed & threw projectiles at & kicked out their pro-regime principal from a school in Karaj
  • October 1 : protesters torched a government bank in Tabriz ; threw stones at & smashed windows of a state newspaper that had negatively covered protests in Tehran
  • September 30: protesters torched the governor’s office in Zahedan (Baluchistan)
  • September 29 : protesters punished a mullah who insulted a woman protester in Mashhad
  • September 28 : protesters smashed windows of the town’s famous seminary in Najafabad
  • September 27: protesters burned down the local governor’s office & 3 state-owned banks (reportedly more government buildings according to some accounts) in protest against the rape of a 15-year-old Baluch girl by a cop in Chabahâr (Baluchistan) ; protesters torched the offices of a local MP in Marivan
  • September 22 : protesters torched a regime’s finance office in Tehran ; attacked the governor’s offices in Qarchak and in Varamin ; torched Khamenei’s representative office in Ilam
  • September 21 : protesters set fire to the governor’s office in Amol
  • September 19: protesters attacked the governor’s office in Bîcar (Kurdistan)
  • September 19 : protesters set on fire a flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Saqqez (Kurdistan)

Against Prisons & Solidarity with Prisoners

  • November 8: to try and prevent the transfer of 2 prisoners for execution, prisoners broke the doors of several prison wards & fought prison guards & set on fire parts of the prison in Torbat-e Jam
  • October 17 : October 17: over the murder of Zhina Amini by cops, in support of the uprising, prisoners refused to leave the courtyard and chanted “Death to the dictator” in the Ghezel Hesar prison in Karaj
  • October 15 : there were reports of prisoners clashing with prison guards in a prison in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; and reports of gunshots being heard from inside prisons, indicating repression of prisoners protests, in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) and in Shiraz
  • October 15 : prisoners rioted in 2 wards of the Evin prison, some attempted to escape, some fought prison guards (who shot at them), while a clothing warehouse was set on fire (which was later turned into a bigger fire) in Tehran ; in solidarity with prisoners inside the burning prison, protesters fought cops & set up flaming barricades on the roads leading to the Evin prison (detailed report/testimonies in English) ; October 16 & October 17: families of prisoners gathered outside the prison to denounce the fire in Tehran
  • October 9 : prisoners, including some prisoners who support the Zhina Amini uprising, started a riot at the Lakan prison, took hostage several officials & set fire to a section of the prison, in Rasht
  • October 1: students rallied to demand the freedom of political prisoners of the Zhina Amini uprising in many universities such as Tehran’s Azad University & Beheshti University, Zanjan University, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Karaj University, Isfahan University
  • September 28 : protesters threw two homemade explosive devices at the Prisons’ Organization headquarters in Tehran
  • September 26: professors went on strike at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran (Iran), demanding the release of all students detained from the Zhina Amini uprising ; the Teachers’ Trade Associations & students called for strikes in many universities ; strikes had been carried out in more than 90 universities across Iran by September 29
  • September 25: to demand their freedom, against torture in prison & against the murder of Zhina Amini, Kurdish political prisoners (including Zahra Mohammadi, Jîna Modaresgorji) started a hunger strike from the women’s prison of Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • September 24 : families of arrested protesters of the Zhina Amini uprising gathered outside the Evin prison to demand answers about their loved ones in Tehran
  • September 23: protesters of the uprising over Zhina Amini’s murder attacked the city’s central prison & freed prisoners in Oshnavieh

Roadblocks & Fires

  • January 8, 2023: protesters started fires & blocked roads in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and Mahabad (Azerbaijan) and Abdanan and Javanrud (Kurdistan)
  • December 10 : protesters blocked the road in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • November 24 : protesters blocked the road by setting fires in Jakigor (Sistan-Baluchistan) ; set fires in Yazd, Kermanshah, Hamedan, Ahvaz (Khuzestan), Isfahan, Oroumieh, Zahedan, Fardis, Karaj
  • November 18: to announce their existence, the Anarchist Organisation in East Kurdistan (Rojhilat) closed roads with fire barricades between Sanandaj & Marivan and Sanandaj & Saqqez (Kurdistan) ; report in English | French | Farsi
  • November 11: protesters blocked important highways by starting fires on roads in Rask (Baluchistan) and in Chabahar; started fires in Saravan (Baluchistan) and in Saqqez (Kurdistan) and in Mahabad (Azerbaijan) and in Tehran ;
  • November 10: protesters started fires in Mahabad (Azerbaijan) & in Bushehr & in Marivan (Kurdistan) & in Bandar Abbas & in Rasht
  • November 9 : protesters started fires & set up roadblocks in Zahedan (Baluchistan) & Sanandaj (Kurdistan) & Saqqez (Kurdistan) & Bukan (Azerbaijan) & Mahabad (Azerbaijan) & Tehran
  • November 8: protesters started fires in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Kermanshah and in Marivan (Kurdistan)
  • November 7: protesters started fires in Saqqez (Kurdistan) and in Marivan (Kurdistan) and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Mahabad (Azerbaijan) and in Tehran
  • November 6: protesters set fires in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • November 5: protesters started fires in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Marivan (Kurdistan) ; started fires & set up roadblocks in Saqqez (Kurdistan)
  • November 4: protesters set up roadblocks in Isfahan ; started fires in Podol and in Ahvaz (Khuzestan) and in Tehran and in Ekbatan and in Bushehr
  • November 3: protesters set fires & set up roadblocks in Ghazvin & Rasht & Baneh (Kurdistan) & Marivan (Kurdistan) & Bukan (Azerbaijan)
  • November 2: protesters started fires on the road in Bukan (Azerbaijan) ; started fires & built roadblocks in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • November 1 : protesters set fires in Dehloran, in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Marivan (Kurdistan) ; set up roadblocks in Tehran
  • October 31 : protesters set up flaming barricades in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Marivan (Kurdistan) and in Saqqez (Kurdistan) ; set fire to surveillance cameras in Kamyaran (Kurdistan)
  • October 30 : protesters set up flaming barricades in Bukan (Azerbaijan) and in Bandar Abbas and in Mahabad (Azerbaijan) and in Piranshahr (Azerbaijan) and in Sardasht (Azerbaijan)
  • October 29: protesters started fires in Lasht-e Nesha, Marivan (Kurdistan), Piranshahr (Azerbaijan), Ravansar, Astara
  • October 28 : protesters set up barricades in Mahabad (Azerbaijan) and in Zahedan (Baluchistan) ; set up flaming road barricades in Tehran, Miandoab (Azerbaijan), Bukan (Azerbaijan), Urmia (Azerbaijan), Marivan (Kurdistan), Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • October 26: protesters built flaming road barricades in Tehran and in Ilam ; started fires in Shahinshahr and in Ravansar and in Bukan (Azerbaijan) and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • October 24 : protesters set up flaming road barricades in Urmia (Azerbaijan) and in Mahabad (Azerbaijan) and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Bandar Abbas
  • October 22 : protesters built flaming barricades in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) and in Tehran and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Isfahan and in Marivan (Kurdistan) and in Mahabad (Azerbaijan)
  • October 21: protesters built roadblocks & flaming barricades in Tabriz (Azerbaijan)
  • October 20: protesters started fires in Tabriz (Azerbaijan) and in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Mahabad (Azerbaijan) ; started fires & built roadblocks in Piranshahr
  • October 19: protesters started fires & built roadblocks in Tehran and in Saveh and in Dehgolan (Kurdistan) and in Kamyaran (Kurdistan) and in Arak and in Bandar Abbas,
  • October 18: protesters built flaming barricades in Saqqez (Kurdistan)
  • October 16 : protesters built roadblocks in Saqqez (Kurdistan) ; built flaming barricades in Tehran and in Isfahan and in Yazd
  • October 15: protesters  built roadblocks in Tehran ; built flaming barricades in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; highschool girls started fires in the streets in Ney (Kurdistan)
  • October 14 : protesters built flaming barricades in Marivan (Kurdistan)
  • October 13 : protesters built flaming barricades & took control of streets in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Saqqez (Kurdistan)
  • October 12: protesters built flaming barricades in Saqqez (Kurdistan) & in Fardis & in Marivan (Kurdistan)
  • October 11 : protesters built flaming barricades in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; built roadblocks in Baneh (Kurdistan) and in Tehran ; took control of some streets in Yazdanshahr
  • October 10 : protesters built flaming barricades in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; built flaming barricades & took control of some streets in Kermanshah
  • October 9 : protesters set up roadblocks & barricades & took control of streets in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) ; started fires in Kermanshah and in Qorveh (Kurdistan); took over several neighborhoods in Mahabad (Iran)
  • October 8 : protesters took control of parts of the city of Sanandaj (Kurdistan), of part of Javanrud (Kurdistan), of part of Bukan (Azerbaijan), of several areas of Tehran ; built roadblocks in Kamiyaran (Kurdistan) ; started fires in Karaj and in Arak and in Hamadan ; blocked a strategic bridge in Hamadan ; built flaming barricades in Shiraz
  • October 7 : protesters started fires in Varzaneh
  • October 4 : protesters started fires in Saqqez (Kurdistan)
  • October 3 : protesters started fires in Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • October 1 : protesters started fires in Tehran and in Dehgolan (Kurdistan) ; took control of parts of the city in Gohardasht
  • September 29 : protesters took control of parts of the city of Sanandaj (Kurdistan)
  • September 26 : protesters started fires in Kermanshah ; took control of parts of the city in Yazd and in Sardasht
  • September 25 : protesters started fires in Karaj ;
  • September 23: protesters reportedly took control of parts of the city for a time in Oshnaviyeh
  • September 21 : protesters built flaming barricades in Kermanshah


  • November 18: to announce their existence, the Anarchist Organisation in East Kurdistan (Rojhilat) attacked trucks that transit suppressed goods near Sanandaj, Kurdistan ; report in English | French | Farsi
  • October 31 : protesters set fire to surveillance cameras in Kamyaran (Kurdistan)
  • October 30:  students protesters destroyed the wall separating students by gender at the university restaurant in Bandar Abbas
  • October 26 : protesters destroyed surveillance cameras in Qasr-e Shirin
  • October 21 : in commemoration of the 93 persons killed by cops during the September 30 protests (Bloody Friday), protesters threw stones at cars & stores and smashed windows of banks in Zahedan (Baluchistan)
  • October 19 : protesters spray-painted graffitis in Mashhad and in Babolsar
  • as of October 11: according to government sources, during the Zhina Amini uprising, protesters have (so far) vandalized or burned 178 banks across Iran
  • October 11 : protesters torched a NGO office in Kerman
  • October 8 : protesters smashed CCTV in Sanandaj (Kurdistan) and in Tehran
  • October 1 : protesters torched CCTV used to identify protesters in Qazvin
  • around September 30: secret leftist group Aftabkaran spray painted graffitis such as “Bread, Work, Freedom, non obligatory Hijab” ; “Woman, Life, Freedom” ; “Death to the oppressor / whether the king or the (supreme) leader” around Tehran ; report in English
  • as of September 24: over Zhina Amini’s murder by cops, protesters have completely destroyed 12 banks, partially destroyed 11, looted 2, destroyed 134 cameras of banks, damaged 219 ATMs, for a total of 240 banks affected in one week of protests across Iran
  • September 22 : protesters set fire to banks in Ilam

International Solidarity

  • Avril 21, 2023: Anarchist arson attack against vehicles of a Peugeot concessionnary (37 damaged including 27 destroyed, millions of euros of damage) in Berlin (Germany), against Peugeot’s cooperation with the Iranian State and providing of vehicles to Iranian cops ; report in French | German
  • December 12: Arson attack against HERTZ Branch in Hamburg (Germany), claimed in solidarity with the revolution in Iran (among others) ; report in English | German
  • December 10: in support of the feminist revolution in Iran and against the murders and executions, anarchists and leftists closed the entrance of the Iranian Embassy in Berlin (Germany)
  • October 16: in solidarity with rioters & the revolt in Iran, a surveillance camera was torched in front of a cop station in Toulouse (France) ; reports in French | Farsi | English
  • October 7 : as protesters gathered outside the Iranian embassy over the murder of Zhina Amini by cops, one person armed with a knife got inside & threatened employees & damaged cars in the embassy parking lot in Copenhagen (Denmark)
  • September 29 : protesters attacked the Iranian embassy, throwing rocks at cops & the building as well as smashing a car parked outside it, in Oslo (Norway)
  • September 25: 2 persons riding a motorcycle threw a molotov cocktail at the Iranian embassy in Athens (Greece)
  • September 25: protesters clashed with cops with masonry & bottles & other projectiles (5 cops seriously injured, more lightly injured) outside the Iranian embassy and threw rocks & eggs & red paint at it in London (UK)
  • September 25: protesters also clashed with cops outside the Iranian embassy in Paris (France)
  • September 22: the Iranian embassy was attacked with several molotov cocktails which sucessfully hit the building in Brussels (Belgium)
